4 Player

4 Person Rules:
Hand = 10 points
Bid 10 = 100 points
Reneg = +5 bags
10 bags = -100 points
Remove 2 of Hearts and 2 of Diamonds
1) High Joker (bigger picture, color)
2) Low Joker (usually has text in fine print)
3) 2 of Spades (Tricky tricky)
4) Ace of Spaces/King/Queen/So-forth
Choose first dealer by any means you wish
The dealer will always move clockwise
On first hand of every game 2 of Clubs starts
This is no matter who the dealer is
After the first hand will be previous winner
Dealer shuffles full deck then passes to left
Player to the left cuts the deck
Dealer then cuts the deck into 4 piles
Each pile must have at least 10 cards
Dealer then turns over the top card of piles
Player to the right distributes shown cards
They can give any card to any player
They should give their partner the best card
And give the worst card to the dealer
Dealer then looks at the bottom card of piles
They choose which of the four cards they want
By making that card the bottom card of the deck
They will ensure that they will get that card
Always deal clockwise starting to the left
Players bid hands with partner scores added
NO TABLE TALK - can say "three maybe four" etc
Going Nil is exception is an individual bid
Nil bidder gives best card to partner
Their partner gives them their worst card
Boston is a team bid and instant game win
Unbid Boston is not an instant win
Unbid Boston worth DOUBLE bags
Scoring example:
If Us bid 7 but got 9 they have 2 bags
Them bid 3 but got 4 they have 1 bag

Us | Them
72 | 31
The first number is the actual score
The second number is the amount of bags
When the team number resets to 0 -100 points
First team to 1000 points wins
